A "Fashionista" in the making...

Sep 4, 2009

so my daughters and i were painting our front door a bright cheery yellow to "surprise daddy" my 6 year old turns to me and says

"Wow mom.
Girls do more than just fashion, girls do WORK too!"

i just about peed my pants! Eva just scowled at me as i frantically dug through my junk drawer for paper and a pen..... "are you writing this down!" still laughing i answer "oh sister, that was hilarious!" "mom, DON"T blog about this! if you do i will never say it again...."

i was putting together a hand full of bangles to go with this gorgeous green satin baby doll dress for Eva for church and i noticed she had hair rubber bands on her wrist. So i started to strip them off when she stopped me and said very seriously

".. but mom, what about a hair-style emergency?"

how can you argue with that logic?
~Sister #1

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