my maxi options... styled by you...

Aug 16, 2011

ok... this post has been in the works for a while, it takes time to accumulate Maxi looks... ok not really, i'm just lazy.

this look is probably my favorite,  Monika suggested to put a top on over and then i remembered my new found love of crop tops and this look was born! thanks Monika!  the big floppy hat idea came from
Stephanie she also suggested a huge yellow bag... which i have and forgot to pull out! {next time girl!}

Aubree had a great idea to just pretend its a skirt

Sara  suggested wearing it as a skirt along with the cool idea of using the maxi like a tucked in top inspiring the look Sophie stole right off my body {thats a lie, i stripped and gave it to her, doesnt she look awesome... } it just seemed like a perfect maternity look! speaking of maternity maxi options, Sophie has come up with a few that i love...

comfy AND chic...

speaking of Chic...
my bestie Meg suggested, sarcastically that i wear a maxi on my head like a turban, and made sure to remind me that i promised i would try every suggestion... {gotta love that girl}

so this ones for you Meg, 

love your guts girl!

thanks for the suggestions guys, it really got the creative juices flowing!



  1. Oh muh ga!  Girl you are to die for!  LOVE your head gear, makes you look super "special".  You are SUCH a good sport.  Love your guts right back.

  2. Ok, Gorgeous Girlies!  When I go to visit Liz in Provo...we should have a "Target Maxi Party" and all wear our striped maxi's.  What a picture that would make!  I'll be the camera lady and you be the models, okay?  Love you lots and lots!  Rox xoxo

  3. P.S. - You didn't happen to get that lovely floppy hat at Target, too, didn't you?  I'll wear mine if you wear yours (I think old grandma's look silly in them)! xo


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