oh... hello Matilda Jane!

Sep 26, 2013

Cardigan, dress and ruffle leggings Paint by Numbers collection c/o Matilda Jane

oh man, you guys!!! the yumminess of this fabric! the print mixing! the attention to detail! and Eva finally looks 10 instead of 15! {halla-freakin-luya}

i have always had a dear love for boutique childrens clothing...  i mean ruffle pants? yes please! but this company takes it to another level, quality product paired with phenominal presentation make these gorgeous pieces fun to give and receive! each piece comes in a re-usable fabric bag with the collection name on the front and every  gorgeous tag with an extra button so beautifully displayed, that you dont even realize its the extra freaking button! the the whole thing is wrapped neatly in tissue fastened with a Matilda Jane sticker...


its just gorgeous, and i am a sucker for gorgeous...

just take all my money now you evil geniuses!

you can follow them here...
...and you should because they are adorable!


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