We all love traveling with toddlers during the holidays, right? Yeah... no.
This April we made a big move from Utah to Texas. We spent 3 days in the car with our 1 year old and 3 year old... and we survived. I figured with all the lovely traveling that happens this time of year I would share what got us through. Here are some fun things I scored for the trip!
Dry erase boards...
Clip boards and crayons...
Metal tins and magnets...
Felt color boards...
Pipe cleaner!!
Microphones for backseat singing...
Stickers and blank books...
Distracting toys...
Connecting links...
Play phones...
And the secret weapon... Light up toys!
I stashed everything in this bag and put it behind my seat...
We survived 3 days of travel with very few melt downs! What has worked for you? How do you keep the kiddies entertained while traveling?
Happy Thanksgiving!!