Ah... Thats better.

Aug 14, 2010

After staring at the pile of clothes on the side my bed for a week I finally decided to hang them up.... While I was at it I reorganized my closet from clothing type to clothing color.  It was nice to have all the cardigans in one place and all the blouses in another but I decided that organizing my closet by color was much more visually pleasing.
I didn't even bother to take a picture of my shoes they are a disaster right now...
How do you prefer to organize your closet??


  1. Well...you're one step ahead of me. I still have it all in a basket on the floor! Looks nice though, maybe I'll give it a try ;)

  2. After storing them for weeks on my bathroom bench I like to organize by type and then color. Tanks white to black, tees, shortsleeve dress, longsleeve, etc. I use to work retail and some things never leave you. :)

  3. I love it! I will never forget organizing the panty tables at victorias secret, only worked there for 3 months but it was enough to make me detest doing it. I'm glad your retail experience left you with such a cool way to organize!

  4. I organize with colors and length of sleeves. I just wouldn't be able to function any other way.

  5. I sort mine by color, definitely! My family makes fun of me for it, but whatever - At least I can quickly find what I need! :]


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