a bad face day....

Aug 6, 2011

are you ready for the "beauty" shots...
{these are for you Sophie}

that last one is my favorite... nothing beats a lazy eye


i am a bit vain, but not so vain that i wont show you the doofus pics for a good laugh...
you're welcome friends! 

{should i finally fire my photographer? i feel bad cause its pretty hard to find employment in the Metro Detroit Area when you are only 8 years old... on second thought, i think i will give her a second chance, she will officially be in 3rd grade in a few weeks... and she is Super affordable... scratch that, not really, shes been begging for horrible light up shoes lately...}



  1. "Bad face?"  I don't think so!  You are one of the lucky ones who can wear their hair up and make any runway model turn green with emvy.  I should be so lucky!  Love you lots!  xoxo

  2. holy CRAP, i was laughing so hard at your "nothing beats a lazy eye" comment! bahahaha!  :)  you ladies are the best!  making me all smiley and such with every post.  i LOVE. :)

  3. Girl you kill me!!  LOVE your "doofus" shots beauty!

  4. At first I was going to say, "Glad I'm not the only one who has "bad face" days."  BUT then you actually showed your "bad face" and it's not so bad WhatSoEverATALL! 
    I am DYING over those shoes!!! I want them so bad! My shoe selection is so outdated & boring...I think I'm gonna cry :(

  5. EVERYONE in our family suffers from the "lazy eye" its a horrible family curse... i am so glad you thought it was as funny as we think it is!


  6. lies... although i agree, i love my shoes too! would you believe they were $10 bucks! {steve maddens found at TJ Maxx} there was a rip in the side of one of them and i just stitched it right up! they are "make me happy" shoes...



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