good sunday

Jul 18, 2011

My camera skills are pretty crappy... every time I smiled my face was cut out.
Dress~Walmart, Shoes~Target, Belt~Thrifted, Clutch~Thrifted

I love Sundays. 
They are my favorite. 
Yesterday was a good day. Nothing amazing or out of the ordinary, just a great time with family. 

I feel refreshed and ready for a lovely week. 


How was your Sunday??


  1. U  LOOK SO PRETTY!!!! Your hair looks great and I love your dress and shoes!

  2. Lovely, stunning, gorgeous, beautiful, vivacious, amazing (that's everyone's favorite word), sparkling, charismatic...need I go on?  You are the most adorable sisters and so inspirational!  Question:  Is it allright for old-lady grandma's (your mom is NOT in that catagory) to go without stockings when wearing pumps?  What is the new rule about going without panty hose?  AND what other colors do you wear with those neutral shoes?  Love you lots and lots!  Roxanne xoxo

  3. Danielle HolmJuly 18, 2011

    OOOH THOSE SHOES! I covet them every time I see them in Target!! You and your baby bump are just so darling in that dress! 

  4. Sisters4saymoreismoreJuly 18, 2011

    No more rules for panty hose. Go for it Roxanne. and the nude shoes are pretty much a magical neutral color that can be worn with ANY color! also, go for it! You are such a sweetie and make us all feel so loved!


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