MORE about the 4

What We Love...

A fabulous pair of heels, sewing, making something out of nothing, laughing till you pee, thrift shopping, summer weather, when your hair does good things, eating food, dancing around like an idiot, being "Girls", music, nonsense and shenanagins, singing at the top of your lungs, outfits that make you feel pretty, learning something new...

We are four real life sisters who share a love of creativity, clothes, and fabulous finds. We are separated by miles and miles (and maybe a couple of states) so this blog helps us feel closer. We were raised on a meager budget so we learned to make the best of what we had. Thrifting, repurposing and sister swaps helped us make the most of our wardrobes then and we are sticking to it now. We love putting together stylish looks for less and by less we mean 5 dollars....

Sophie (#2), Elise (#4), Selina (#1) and Olivia (#3)

Back in the day... way back

The Sisters and their mini's

the rest of the clan... we have brothers too!

The Momma (in the hat, we know its hard to tell) ;)

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