do i really need another reason to love Target?

Mar 20, 2012

i was an hour early for work yesterday {yes... i know, i was shocked too} so i decided to "browse" my favorite store for delicious finds...

these shoes are OUT. OF. CONTROL! i cried a little when i had to take them off...

these however...
were totally on clearance for 5 bucks so i had to take them home with me...

i found a few AMAZING pairs of sandals for my girls {most of them weren't online though}

and last but not least these amazing suits for girls!

FINALLY a few bathing suits for kids that dont look like a rainbow barfed on them! 

it was all so lovely... but sadly i had to exersize some amount of self control and walk out of my favorite place with juice boxes and goldfish....

...AND dark chocolate peanut M&Ms {ya know for the Hunger Games midnight showing!}


i. love. Target


  1. Laura LaingMarch 20, 2012

    I got those same $5 loafers a few weeks ago (but in bright pink!)! I had the same reasoning, lol. $5, they are coming home with me!

  2. Megan IzattMarch 20, 2012

    Love the wedges, I wish I lived close to Target.  The closest one is an hour away, sad!

  3. I love the wedges.  Love Target something fierce :)


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